Our Story.
products will seamlessly add excellent flavor, quality taste and create a delicious dish
The inspiration for OneBase Organics (O.B.O) line of seasoning sauces was planted many years ago
When our founder worked at her family restaurant, creating novel dishes for a diverse customer base. It took the rigors of climbing up the corporate ladder, managing a family, and surviving a pandemic to redirect her back to her passion for creating healthy, tasty, and versatile recipes. During the past several years, she has perfected the formula of a blend of herbs, spices, and vegetables to create the O.B.O line of seasoning sauces. She believes that making a healthy and tasty meal should not only be easy and fun but adaptable to different palates. Whether you are organic, vegan, keto, or an all-around foodie, our seasoning sauces are flexible to match your personality, diets, and needs.
OneBase Organics, LLC
Food is a common denominator for us all. We understand that savoring a flavorful and well-made meal can positively change the way a person feels. We knew there had to be a way always to add the needed “oomph” to every dish. We invested years of practice and research in finding the right combination of fresh vegetables, herbs, and spices in easy-to-use proportions for a variety of dishes.
OneBase Organics products offer premium organic sauces that provide the perfect seasoning for all your recipes. It enhances your dish with the perfect combination of fresh herbs, spices, and vegetables that take your meals to the next level. Our sauces are made from carefully selected organic ingredients and designed to simplify your cooking experience from prepping to plating. Each jar has a burst of flavor that adds the “wow factor” to your dishes with minimal effort. A trial will convince you!